Writing a Killer Product Problem Statement: Why It’s Crucial for Your Discovery Phase

3 min readApr 5, 2024

Creating a problem statement is much more important for effective product management than you might think. Keep reading to find out how it’s done and why you should take it seriously.

Jumping into the product game without spotting a real problem is like hitting the road without Google Maps. A whopping 34% of new launches crash and burn because they missed the memo on what people actually need.

So, let’s light up the way to sketch out a problem statement that’s not just words on paper but a beacon for your product to genuinely connect and maybe even shake up the market.

Why Bother with a Problem Statement? ✍️

Think of a problem statement as that bestie who tells it like it is. It zeroes in on what’s bugging people without wandering off into solution land. It lays out the pieces of a puzzle on the table, giving your team and stakeholders a clear picture of what you’re solving. This little gem keeps everyone on the same path, chasing after what users are crying out for, and it might just be the secret ingredient to your project’s success.

The Golden Hour: Crafting During the Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is the golden hour. Drafting a precise problem statement now sets you up for victory, ensuring your brainchild tackles legit challenges.

Building Blocks of an Effective Problem Statement

📝 Spot the gap: call out the challenge loud and clear, no solutions attached.

📝 Get the backstory: dive into why this problem exists and the ripples it’s causing.

📝 Feel the impact: quantify how this issue is messing with users and your bottom line.

📝 Why fix it: show how nailing this problem ties back to happy customers and your grand goals.

Product Statement Template to Clear the Fog

Here’s a simple template to guide the way:

I’m a [User],
trying to [Motivation],
so I can [Expected Outcome],
but [Problem],
which makes me feel [Emotion].

User: Who’s in the hot seat?
Motivation: What’s the goal?
Expected Outcome: What does the finish line look like?
Problem: What’s throwing wrenches in the works?
Emotion: How’s this rollercoaster making them feel?

Characteristics of a Powerful Problem Statement

🟡 Brevity: conciseness is key, aim for clarity and precision.
🟡 Focus: target a singular, significant issue.
🟡 Measurability: ensure the problem and success metrics are quantifiable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Drafting Your Problem Statement

  1. Identify the problem: immerse yourself in user feedback and data analysis to uncover the core issue.
  2. Contextualize: understand the broader impact of the problem on users and your business.
  3. Root cause analysis: dig deep to find the underlying cause of the issue.
  4. Define success goals: envision what resolving the problem looks like.
  5. Propose initial solutions: based on your findings, outline potential resolutions.

A crystal-clear problem statement is your North Star, guiding your product from a spark of genius to a market hero. Stick to this playbook, and you’ll be ready to set the stage for something that could redefine the game. Dive into the details here:




Digital product studio. We help early-stage startups (<$100K) and scaleups ($1M+) grow faster by creating products that drive results.