20 Product Development FAQs to Note in 2023

2 min readMar 9, 2023


Product development is an important entryway into new markets and new opportunities. At the same time, it fills entrepreneurs’ heads with many questions. Explore all the common product development questions and simple and easy-to-understand answers that will help you make informed decisions when developing products.

For those looking to build a digital product, the development process can seem daunting. To cut through the complexity and provide answers quickly, we’ve identified 20 of the most common questions related to product development. We’ve answered each in simple terms so that anyone interested in building something new will have all they need for an advantageous start. Below we list a few noteworthy questions and answers.

👉 What is product development?

Product development is the journey from concept to creation — a process that takes an idea and transforms it into reality. It relies upon moving through many steps, including initiation, research, design, development and launch; either creating something entirely new or refining existing solutions by introducing features to create improved versions of products.

👉 How long does product development take?

Product development timelines can vary greatly, ranging from a few weeks to multiple years depending on the complexity of features and tech stack involved. On average small products require 1–3 months for full completion — with several weeks dedicated to discovery followed by design, build and testing stages taking up to three months each.

Which product development stage takes the most time? The actual development work is commonly the most resource-intensive and lengthy step of the process that may require team scaling to speed up delivery.

👉 How Can You Make Product Development More Effective?

To increase productivity when developing a product, teams strive to set attainable objectives and goals. In addition to detailed planning and utilizing time management tools, feedback loops are essential for the process — as is consistent testing. Improving development processes plays an important role too; often teams rely on popular frameworks such Scrum, Agile or Waterfall along with DevOps principles in order to ensure quality outcomes.

If you’d like to learn more about product development in a simple and easy-to-comprehend way, take a couple of minutes to check out this extended guide with answers to the most popular questions about product creation.




Digital product studio. We help early-stage startups (<$100K) and scaleups ($1M+) grow faster by creating products that drive results.